Working Off-Site
When working off-site, remember:
Do not take confidential information off-site unless:
- You have official authorization from your department or division manager and department policy or practice permits the information to be taken off-site.
- The information must be taken off-site to fulfill your job duties (for example: home visits to a patient).
For hard copies in transit:
- Carry sensitive documentation/records in a locked satchel or case.
- Do not leave sensitive documentation/records unattended, e.g. at restaurants, washrooms, public transit, etc.
- Do not read sensitive documentation/records where others could see them.
For electronic documentation/records:
- Access documentation/records remotely only on authorized, secure networks with encrypted communication.
- Use a strong password to protect your mobile devices.
- Be sure your computer has up-to-date security, including firewall, antivirus and anti-spam software.