Issue was reported Wednesday (05/03).
The scam is one of the oldest around, sending an e-mail asking you to click a hyperlink. Do so, and hackers can get access to your information.
The email appears to come from someone inviting you to share a document. The email looks very similar to one sent by Google, but appears to come from an individual Gmail account.
A reliable Google Doc invites you to edit a document, and has the blue Google Docs logo next to the doc name. The bogus e-mail that went out Wednesday, doesn’t state the name of the doc, nor have its name or Google Docs logo.
We have received reports from individual users to schools and businesses receiving this phishing email. We recommend being very diligent and do not open any suspicious email and simply delete.
We have read reports that Google has already taken steps by removing the fake pages and flagging emails “Be careful with this message”.
For more information see: