When employees work from home, they need access to important company files. It’s easy to look at consumer-grade, cloud file sharing solutions like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive. But listen up!
These applications pose a huge threat to your company because company data can be spread far and wide without central oversight of what information is being shared with whom. Furthermore, over 7 MILLION Dropbox accounts have been hacked, giving cybercriminals a path into the company’s network.
This is even MORE important if your company has access to and/or stores financial, medical, or other sensitive data. Using file-sharing applications like these are a clear and direct violation of data breach and compliance laws. DON’T USE THEM FOR COMPANY DATA and use only company-approved, business-grade file-sharing applications.
Of course, if you have an immediate IT need, you can always reach us at 610-640-4223.